There is a new Wind Blowing in the Martial Arts Community, in the beginning it was
just a breeze a soft breeze blown against your face. As time progress it Evolved,
Adapted, Grew, and Matured. It brought the WINDS OF CHANGE. Just Like M.M.A. has done, But R.B.D.T. has taken it to the next Level. The new term is called “REALITY BASED”. They are many versions of Reality Based Training, I will list them later, Most of the time we do not align ourselves with ‘traditional’, ‘classical’ or ‘combative sport’ based systems. We do not do this to be ARROGANT, we do this so that potential students or clients know that we are Combative in NATURE not defensive or teach Traditional Martial Arts or M.M.A. Reality Based systems IF taught correctly are based on what people will face on today’s streets, So this means Reality Based techniques start in the Gross Motor Skill Set, They are brutally effective and can be taught to Absolut
beginners in a matter of days to weeks Military and Law enforcement does not have years to learn, they sometimes have hours, weeks or months.
All the scenarios used are based on real-life scenarios that the students might expect themselves to be involved in at some point during their life, or has known of someone who has been involved in that scenario. These scenarios can cover anything from walking to your car, hotel room, car jacking, to a rape. Another key aspect of reality Based training is that these scenarios are made as real as possible. This means that WEAPONS will be used “MODEREN WEAPONS” I.E. edge weapons, guns, sticks and weapons of opportunity. Force on Force Fighting, Multiple attackers, just to name a few. We at Apex Tactical Institute powered by D.G.C.F.S. we are going to build what we call an elevator room it is built the same size as an average elevator and we fight in that small area, weapons are also used knife, stick, gun, ect...This is what R.B. is all about some times there is no answer THERE IS JUST SURIVIE!!!
A.T.I. / D.G.C.F.S. different is that they are NO RULES in a FIGHT and the only RULE is to SURVIVE! We work on Scenarios; Scenarios are made as real as possible. This means that we use airsoft guns that shoot a plastic bb at about 330 F.P.S.
Maker Knifes that leaves a mark on you showing you where you got cut and a SHOCK knife that shocks you when the edge touches your body. This keeps the student in a High duress state, this is essential so that the student knows what actually happens to their body during a true combative or life-or-death situation, or as close to one as possible.
A.T.I./ D.G.C.F.S. was the 1st school in Houston to do this type of training for civilians.
D.G.C.F.S. is the 1st in Houston to teach (R.B.)
D.G.C.F.S. only trains in combatives not sport or train in T.M.A. it is the only school in Houston that will has an airsoft tactical field for counter home invasion, Shoot no shoot drills, clearing your own home and force on force training, R.E.A.C.T. Rapid Endurance Assertive Combative Training for Combative Conditioning and Re-qualification or just to get back into shape. They are people that teach this but on a seminar bases not on a continuing education setting “meaning 3 days a week class, 2 hour sessions and more class days and hours coming soon.
Throughout this industry, there are many variations and terms for "Reality Based" systems. These are the variations, terms, and definitions as we have come to understand them, and we train them all:
1) • Reality Based Self Defense (R.B.S.D.) - Self defense training based on real life situations such as street fights, attacks, or any other real life altercation where one may be physically threatened. The techniques are not modified for sport competition; there are no rules, and no forbidden techniques. Most of the techniques are designed for maximum impact with minimal training in situations where the defender may be threatened by serious harm or loss of life.
2) • Reality Martial Arts / Reality Based Martial Arts (RMA / RBMA) - The same as R.B.S.D. but many Martial Arts traditions are upheld such as "dojo etiquette", ranking systems, or other historical/cultural aspects of the art(s) from which the system has evolved from. RBMA may also introduce more "control" techniques than RBSD, giving the defender the ability to choose the level of force applied to the attacker. This system works well for Law Enforcement Officers that have legal restrictions or for individuals that may be involved in a skirmish where they do not wish to harm the attacker such as a family member or friend.
3) • Reality Based Combatives (R.B.C.) / Military Combatives (M.C.) Military Close Combat (M.C.C.) / Close Quarter Combatives (C.Q.C) - The same as RBSD and RMA/RBMA but geared more towards Law Enforcement or Military Professionals. More attention is given to techniques for legally restricted officers and "down to business" techniques for Military Professionals in live combat areas.
We at D.G.C.F.S. do Teach all the above.
D.G.C.F.S. is Houston’s Premiere Reality Based Training Facility.
If you’re looking for what will work on the street and learning curve is short l, then you should most certainly consider reality based martial arts. If however you are looking for a more holistic approach or self perfection and more of a Traditional / Classical Art then stick to the Traditional Martial Arts.
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