Houston Self Defense Interview with Mr.Traylor

 The Interview with Mr.Traylor

E-mag: Hello Mr. Traylor thank you for this interview I know you are busy man. Now you did an interview a few years ago correct Sir?

Houston Self Defense

Mr. Traylor : yes I think you are right, thank you so much for asking me for an interview Sir.

E-mag : So why the name "Dark Gift Combat" the names sounds like ..an occult

Mr.Traylor : “LOL” no that’s not what we are or what we represent.
DARK stands for the dark side of humane nature, the mean side of humanity, thugs, rapist, killers, ect. They could careless about you or your family. As far as GIFT COMBAT it signifies, That we are giving you the GIFT to COMBAT the DARK SIDE of humanity. Thus the name Dark Gift Combat, Yes it also has a negative overtone as well. Which is DOWN to business for our Military and special operation teams. Its like the YING & YANG, Light & Darkness. I also wanted a name that was so different from what every body else had that when you went down a list, D.G.C. caught your eye and it leant it self to what we do.

E-mag: WOW, Ok was not expecting such a deep type of answer, ok So you teach martial arts. Is it like Karate and Kung Fu, or is it like cage fighting?

Mr.Traylor : Will, it is NOT anything like the styles you mention but has elements of various martial arts and combatives in it. Everything that these styles are NOT allowed to do, we do, like eye jabs, Head butts, Throat smashes..ect.. D.G.C.F.S. is designed to end a physical altercation in seconds plain and simple.

E-mag: These techniques are very serious. What makes you qualified to teach them?

Mr.Traylor : I have trained with some of the best reality based Instructors in the WORLD, BAR NONE. That and my past experience in martial arts and combatives gives me the qualifications.

E-mag: Isn't that a bit too violent Mr. Traylor ?

Mr.Traylor : To violent? Yes but how important is you life? Violent IS NOT the ANSWER but when it is it’s the only answer Sir. A mugger or a killer is not going to worry IF what he is doing is to violent. How many times have seen or heard in the news paper or TV about a killing or a beating, mugging that was NOT Violent? LOOK don’t just defend your life... FIGHT FOR IT!!! Your life is in your hands, please do not just hand it over to some PUNK, He does not care about you or your family or your wellbeing at all!!!! That’s what I think

E-mag: What is Dark Gift Combat Fighting System?

Mr. Traylor: D.G.C.F.S. is an accumulation of 40+ years in the Martial Arts, they are 4 Systems with some sub systems we use, the main ones are Progressive Fighting Systems, Philippine Combat System Knife, Stick, Gun concept Apache Knife Fighting I use these systems, and I have put them together so that they flow in a real-life altercation. D.G.C.F.S. is designed to end a fight in seconds NOT minuets or rounds. D.G.C. is Combative in nature.
Its purpose and design was for you “The practitioner to survive a life threaten altercation” We train you for the urban concrete jungle. Not for the dojo or for point sparing or cage match. D.G.C.F.S. covers all 5 ranges of combat, which are: 


We also cover the 5 Modern weapons of combat, which are:

E-mag: So will it work for women?

Mr. Traylor : YES!!! In fact IF a small female cant apply it, I will usually not show that technique. 99% of what D.G.C.F.S. is designed for is small males and women, I am a small guy 5’8 180lbs So for me to drop a 6’9 290lbs guy I better know what areas to hit, and it does not depend on how strong I am. D.G.C.F.S. is very unique in that. That’s why we have folks from all walks of life and L.E.O., Security and Military personal seeking our school and training.

Houston Reality Based Martial Arts
E-mag: How long does it take the typical student for the techniques you teach to become functional for self-defense?

Mr. Traylor : Well, it depends on the individual but for the most part the very 1st class, we work everything in a scenarios bases and gross motor skill set. 2 hours class helps us to get that across. Working it under duress also heightens the students skills, What they will most likely encounter on the street NOT the DOJO.

E-mag: Are you training people to be killers?

Mr.Traylor : That’s a stupid question... NO I AM NOT TRAINING PEOPLE TO BE KILLERS. Geez.. Look,.. people need a way to protect them self and their family, Some buy guns, some buy burglar bars, I just so happen to be able to teach them how to defend themselves with their hands or knife or a gun any weapon  of opportunity. Now for the military & L.E. that a different answer.

E-mag: What if a thug decides to come to you to learn a better way to fight? Will you train anybody?

Mr.Traylor : No we do not allow just anybody, The last thing We need is a PUNK THIEF or MUGGER to come in and get trained on how to counter self defense techniques. D.G.C. has a application that you must fill out in order to be apart of our class and that was at the recommendation of Special Agent Garza of Home Land security and L.E.O. that we train.

E-mag: If someone wants to learn how to defend themselves, wouldn't a traditional martial art be good enough?

Mr.Traylor : Yes of course it could be, The problems is not that T.M.A. would not work, we use a lot of techniques from T.M.A. it’s their training method. Their focus is not on resistance training or for that matter reality based scenarios, We use  modern days weapons, weapons that you will encounter in today’s society, we training force on force so you will see that what we are showing you works. We use airsoft guns for weapons disarming marker knifes to show you where you got cut, shock knife for pain so you respect the blade, We training in the 5 ranges of combat PROJECTIL, KICKING, BOXING, TRAPING, GRAPPLING. We training to use weapons in all those ranges, We use an indoor Tactical Airsoft field for your gun training, How to clear your own home, how to handle a gun, how to retain your weapon, we show weapons of opportunity, improvised weapons. I could keep going but I think you see how unique Apex Tactical Institute is.

E-mag: Ok, so you've distinguished your school as different from traditional martial arts schools. How common is the material that you're teaching?

Houston Reality Based Martial ArtsMr.Traylor : Not to common at all, D.G.C.F.S. is among only a handful in the country, It is starting to take off, when we opened in 2004 we were the only school in Houston and only 5 in the country openly claiming reality based. So now it’s common place, everybody and their brother claim Reality based, even when it is NOT!!

E-mag: Your classes sound very intense. Do police departments or the military come to you for training?

Mr.Traylor : yes, we had the 4005th military unite, we trained over 250+ military personal, hundreds of L.E.O. from H.P.D., sugar land, Missouri P.D., H.C.C. etc.. 

Houston Reality Based Martial Arts

E-mag: Are there other schools doing the same thing?

Mr.Traylor : Of course, we are not the only ones NOW. You #%# and #&# ,and so on.

E-mag: Have they hurt your business any?

Mr.Traylor : Not that I am aware of But who knows, I really do not worry about those guys to much. I do go to competitors' websites to see what they are doing from time to time. 

E-mag: Sir may I ask some personal question?

Mr.Traylor : yes you may BUT I may not answer them.

E-mag: Fair enough, Ok I did some research on the internet, I put in keywords and some school came up, I notice that they basically coped your meta tags and even some of your verbiage, although your website is clearly the most dominating website in the key word search basically the entire front page and page 2 How does that make you feel?

Mr.Traylor : That’s old news Sir, All I can say is that maybe they can’t think of the words to say, so they copy and paste, Its not against the law, so why get all upset, I mean I did at first but then I looked and I now know why they did. We are I THINK the BEST school in HOUSTON that teaches REALITY BASED, We are SO FAR ahead of the CURVE that I feel that’s why folks copy & pate our verbiage and meta tags and our logo. To me that is humbling that folks would think that what I write is worth putting on their site. As you said we are the REALITY BASED SCHOOL to beat. We offer thing they can’t, we are the PREMIER R.B.M.A. & COMBATIVES SCHOOL. We are Bless that I have Dennis Gaston, My son Gabriel Traylor on our teaching staff I don’t think any other school has this level of instructors. 
D.G.C.F.S. is on top cause of our students and Instructors. We truly care for the students NOT the money they represent.

E-mag: Wow ok... so are these instructor that claim R.B.M.A. are they qualified?

Mr.Traylor : Don’t know, Don’t care...all I am willing to say some are PAPER HOUNDS, PAPER DRAGONS. On paper they LOOK LIKE WOW!!! OH MY GOD... but when you go to take a class... you will you see the difference. I think Mr. Rob Marks article, it's an older one but Master of the Universe, describes it very will. I LOVE THAT ARTICLE!!!!!

E-mag: What is next for you

Mr.Traylor : Me personally? Continue to train and get better at hand to hand combat and to become a better Instructor. To be able to articulate the material to my students.

E-mag: What about your business?

Mr. Traylor : Auh try to survive this BAD economy, Its affect our school so it’s a lil nerve racking to say the least. folks getting laid off from work and I see that trend in my students as well. In fact I had a school call me asking if I wanted to purchase flooring their dojo closed,  I know of 3 schools that closed and I see more coming. Folks are scared and worried, I for one do not blame them.

E-mag:  You just expanded, and you a dedicated Tactical firearms training arena in your facility, The only one in Houston, Correct? Also you are NOW the biggest school in Houston to teach Reality Based also correct. Who else in Houston has what you have? Does that not help?

Mr. Traylor : Yes, we have expanded and yes we have a dedicated Tactical firearms training arena, as well as some other goodies I do not want to disclose yet.  
I don't know IF we will be the largest but dang close. BUT just wait a few month or so and other school will offer what we offer its just the way business is, but economy the way it is folks are second guessing about spending money. 

E-mag: So what does the future look like for you & your family and D.G.C.F.S.?

Mr.Traylor : With GODS help, it’s so bright I have to wear shades!!! LOL ;)

E-mag: Mr. Traylor I have known you for over 28 years we were High School friends you trained me in martial arts back in the day I have seen you do some crazy things growing up. You backed me up in some fights and took up for my brother and I when we where, will lets just say we not doing right I can only say to you THANK YOU. You have done a lot for me and my brother,  I have seen you struggle to open up D.G.C.F.S. when it was... well a hole in the wall place no A/C no HEAT nothing, no equipment just you teaching people,  I wish you and your family nothing but success and prosperity. You have done a lot for the community offering the FREE Self defense class, Training our Military unites before they get shipped out, training our peace offers and some government personal which I can not name. I hope Apex Tactical Institute and D.G.C. is around for along time. Thank you for such a candied interview.

Mr.Traylor : Wow I do not know what to say Robert..... you caught me off guard ...you are family to me and family protects family everyone at D.G.C.F.S. is family. I to hope D.G.C.F.S. is around for along time I think we truly help people protect them self and their family from harm with one of the BEST SYSTEM out their.
